Off-Road Vehicles was a general off-road oriented title and covered off-road racing including Baja, dune buggies,
Detroit 4-wheel drive trucks, motorcycles, and snow mobiles How-to articles featured both technical aspects and practical matters like tophographical
map reading. It was published by Argus Publishers Corporation, whose founder Gordon Behn had previously worked for Petersen Publishing as
the circulation manager.
The magazine was started as a quarterly magazine with the first issue in the Summer, 1969. After the first year, it went to a bi-monthly schedule, and then monthly with the July, 1972 issue. Around the same time, the title was changed to Off-Road Vehicles & Adventure. After the May, 1974 issue, it was re-titled again to Off-Road.
At the point where the title changed in 1975, the publisher reported an average monthly net paid circulation of just under 12,000.
A total of 40 issues were printed from Summer 1969 through May 1974, and all images are complete.