Hot Compacts & Imports (HCI) was another title, published by Buckaroo Communications, that was directed at the tuner market. This title was differentiated by a focus on more in-depth technical and how-to articles which was one of Buckaroo's strengths. Content included both import and domestic cars, and it was also a lifestyle oriented title with a more social and cultural aspects. This title and several others ended in 2008 when Buckaroo closed.

The table of contents, if available, can be seen by clicking on the icon.

The publisher did provide title information to Oxbridge's The Standard Periodical Directory, but print production was reported as zero.

We estimate a total of 78 issues was printed from Oct/Nov 2000 through Aug 2008. All issues are complete except possibly early issues in 2001 and 2002, and specifically issues from 12/2004, 4/2005, 1/2006, 5/2006, 4/2007, 9/2007 and 11/2007. We apologize for the poor condition of some cover images. This is a rare title, and quality images are not easily found.

An internet presence was created and links referenced on the front covers starting in 2001. The site is now defunct: www.hcimagazine.com.

Hot Compacts Imports Oct October Nov November 2000
Oct/Nov 2000 Vol 1 No 1
Hot Compacts Imports Winter 2001
Winter 2001
Hot Compacts Imports Apr April 2001
Apr 2001
Hot Compacts Imports Jun June 2001
Jun 2001
Hot Compacts Imports Dec December 2001
Dec 2001
Hot Compacts Imports Feb February 2002
Feb 2002
Hot Compacts Imports May 2002
May 2002
Hot Compacts Imports Jun June 2002
Jun 2002
Hot Compacts Imports Jul July 2002
Jul 2002
Hot Compacts Imports Sept September 2002
Sep 2002
Hot Compacts Imports Oct October 2002
Oct 2002
Hot Compacts Imports Dec December 2002
Dec 2002
Hot Compacts Imports Jan January 2003
Jan 2003
Hot Compacts Imports Feb February 2003
Feb 2003
Hot Compacts Imports Mar March 2003
Mar 2003
Hot Compacts Imports Apr April 2003
Apr 2003
Hot Compacts Imports May 2003
May 2003
Hot Compacts Imports Jun June 2003
Jun 2003
Hot Compacts Imports Jul July 2003
Jul 2003
Hot Compacts Imports Aug August 2003
Aug 2003
Hot Compacts Imports Sept September 2003
Sep 2003
Hot Compacts Imports Oct October 2003
Oct 2003
Hot Compacts Imports Nov November 2003
Nov 2003
Hot Compacts Imports Dec December 2003
Dec 2003
Hot Compacts Imports Jan January 2004
Jan 2004
Hot Compacts Imports Feb February 2004
Feb 2004
Hot Compacts Imports Mar March 2004
Mar 2004
Hot Compacts Imports Apr April 2004
Apr 2004
Hot Compacts Imports May 2004
May 2004
Hot Compacts Imports Jun June 2004
Jun 2004
Hot Compacts Imports Jul July 2004
Jul 2004
Hot Compacts Imports Aug August 2004
Aug 2004
Hot Compacts Imports Sept September 2004
Sep 2004
Hot Compacts Imports Oct October 2004
Oct 2004
Hot Compacts Imports Nov November 2004
Nov 2004
Dec 2004
Hot Compacts Imports Jan January 2005
Jan 2005
Hot Compacts Imports Feb February 2005
Feb 2005
Hot Compacts Imports Mar March 2005
Mar 2005
Apr 2005
Hot Compacts Imports May 2005
May 2005
Hot Compacts Imports Jun June 2005
Jun 2005
Hot Compacts Imports Jul July 2005
Jul 2005
Hot Compacts Imports Aug August 2005
Aug 2005
Hot Compacts Imports Sept September 2005
Sep 2005
Hot Compacts Imports Oct October 2005
Oct 2005
Hot Compacts Imports Nov November 2005
Nov 2005
Hot Compacts Imports Dec December 2005
Dec 2005
Jan 2006
Hot Compacts Imports Feb February 2006
Feb 2006
Hot Compacts Imports Mar March 2006
Mar 2006
Hot Compacts Imports Apr April 2006
Apr 2006
May 2006
Hot Compacts Imports Jun June 2006
Jun 2006
Hot Compacts Imports Jul July 2006
Jul 2006
Hot Compacts Imports Aug August 2006
Aug 2006
Hot Compacts Imports Sept September 2006
Sep 2006
Hot Compacts Imports Oct October 2006
Oct 2006
Hot Compacts Imports Nov November 2006
Nov 2006
Hot Compacts Imports Dec December 2006
Dec 2006
Hot Compacts Imports Jan January 2007
Jan 2007
Hot Compacts Imports Feb February 2007
Feb 2007
Hot Compacts Imports Mar March 2007
Mar 2007
Apr 2005
Hot Compacts Imports May Jun June 2007
May/Jun 2007
Hot Compacts Imports Jul July 2007
Jul 2007
Hot Compacts Imports Aug August 2007
Aug 2007
Sep 2007
Hot Compacts Imports Oct October 2007
Oct 2007
Nov 2007
Hot Compacts Imports Dec December 2007
Dec 2007
Hot Compacts Imports Feb February 2008
Feb 2008
Hot Compacts Imports Apr April 2008
Apr 2008
Hot Compacts Imports Jun June 2008
Jun 2008
Hot Compacts Imports Aug August 2008
Aug 2008