Skinned Knuckles was first printed in August, 1976 by Bill Cannon at 175 May Avenue in Monrovia, California. Described with the tagline, "A Journal of Car Restoration", it was a 40 to 50 page monthly full-size magazine printed on pulp or newsprint type paper that provided great technical detail for those do-it-yourself readers who were restoring vintage cars from the 1920s through the 1950s.

Mr. Cannon apparently had an aeronautics background and was deeply technical. Many contributors and subscribers also had technical backgrounds such as chemists and metallurgists, which elevated all aspects of the content. It was written in a manner easily digested and used by all readers to restore old cars. Typical content included restorations of American classics from the 1920s and 1930s, foreign car profiles, technical specifications, parts interchange data, rebuilding steps on a single component, reference books available to purchase, classified ads, and a high quality restoration "Q&A" section. A lot of information was packed into each magazine.

In January, 1982, Bill's son Terry took over editor duties, and Bill became the technical editor. Bill remained in this support role until his death. Terry began transitioning editorial duties to Neil Maken with the September, 2005 issue. Mr. Maken later purchased the title from the estate when Terry passed. Here is Terry's obituary.. Mr. Maken was a one-man publisher and editor except for contributors. He managed the title until his death in 2021 when the title ended. Shortly afterwards, the Lares Corporation got the rights to reprint and publish old Skinned Knuckles articles. More information can be found at Lares Corporation.

Net paid circulation data from The Standard Periodical Directory is available to the archivist from 1988 through 2005 at this time. Annual circulation typically ranged from 14,000 to 15,000 print issues, and these were mostly through subscriptions.

A total of 542 issues was printed from August, 1976 through September, 2021. Images are complete through the end of print production. The table of contents, if available, can be seen by clicking on the icon.

Each year when a full volume was complete, the publisher of Skinned Knuckles included an index of all subjects and articles in that completed volume. Attached are scans of these indexes from the first 34 volumes (through July, 2010).