Classic Auto Restorer (CAR) was published bi-monthly starting in 1989 by Fancy Publication in Irvine, California. The
backbone of the magazine was the "how-to" articles covering a wide range of cars and techniques. These articles provided hard core information
and were written by those who had actually done the repair or used the technique. This was supported by a feedback loop where readers' and
practioners' suggestions and experiences were incorporated into future articles.
Around the core "how-to" articles, every other bit of information in the magazine reinforced the core, making it a well written informational eco-system. This included content from event coverage (especially warm weather locations) to featured cars of a marque including deeper technical information and lists of qualified resources and suppliers. Other highlights were articles on automotive designs and designers, coverage of museums with good resources, and interviews with prominent car show judges.
CAR changed to a monthly schedule starting in October, 1994. Then in July, 1997, the publisher took several steps to remain financially viable. This included reducing the use of color, advertising and a few pages. The table of contents was moved to the front cover with the change to black & white. Although some readers were unhappy, the focus on "how-to" and techncial information remained unchanged. CAR was published continuously until December, 1998 when it was re-titled as Auto Restorer.
The table of contents, if available, can be seen by clicking on the icon.
The publisher provided six years of net paid circulation data between 1994 and 1999. The same 90,000 annual print issues was submitted to Oxbridge
Communications for inclusion into their compendium, The Standard Periodical Directory.
A total of 83 issues was printed from June, 1989 through December, 1998. All cover images are complete.

Now monthly

Numbering change

New format

Last issue b/4 retitle