The following webpages contain a list of the published titles on this website grouped by year. Within each year, the titles are rank-ordered high-to-low on annualized print circulation.

We extracted the print circulation data submitted by publishers to compendia including N.W. Ayer & Sons Directory of Newspapers and Periodicals, Gale Research's Directory of Publications, and Oxbridge Communication's The Standard Periodical Directory.

Each publisher who submitted data for a title included net paid circulation data in their annual tally. It is six months of printed magazine volumes after deducting left-over, unsold, returned, sample, exchange or advertiser copies. We doubled the reported net paid circulation data to compute an approximate annual print volume and market share.

Net paid circulation numbers are sourced from audited and unaudited publisher results and from Post Office data. Unaudited publisher submittals are prone to error or exaggeration. Some publishers used "plug" numbers when they did not have actual data, or they "juiced" the numbers when actual results were lower than what was expected. This is obvious when the same net paid circulation number is submitted over multiple years. Not all publishers submitted data for every year. Only those titles with non-zero print data are rank-ordered. In the late 1980s, we began including the name of those titles with zero data.

Printed Titles by Decade