In 1952, publisher Bill Quinn purchased the rights to Hop Up magazine from Enthusiasts Publications, and he formed
Quinn Publishing Company in Los Angeles, Calif.
Although Quinn's Hop Up title was successful, he really wanted to compete with Petersen Publishings'
Motor Trend. So in June, 1953 Hop Up was co-titled as Hop Up
and Motor Life. Content began featuring new cars from Detroit, and the March, 1954 issue was the last one with this co-titling.
The content included new and concept cars, some racing coverage, and the occasional hot rod and custom cover.
Quinn Publishing sold Motor Life to Petersen Publishing in 1955, and Petersen continued
the title until November, 1961. It was then merged into Sports Car Graphic,
an existing Petersen title, with the December, 1961 issue.
The table of contents, if available, can be seen by clicking on the icon.
The publisher provided net paid circulation data for the years from 1955 through 1961. Print
volume peaked in 1958 with almost 37,000 copies, then settled at around 29,000 per month until it ceased production in 1961.
A total of 92 issues was printed from April, 1954 through November, 1961. All cover images and table of content pages are complete.