Vette Quarterly, later Vette Magazine, was a Corvette-only magazine. The publisher,
Mr Martyn L. Schorr, had previously edited dozens of automotive titles and was always impressed with how Corvette content
could spike magazine sales. He formed the company in 1976 and started a quarterly publication.
The magazine was re-titled as Vette and went bi-monthly in 1978.
The publishing company was initially Popular Publications in New York. In 1979, Mr Schorr sold the company to Stephen Schneider and his
CSK Publishing company, but Schorr remained involved as editor until 1981.
Schorr had previously edited Hi-Performance Cars, Custom Rodder, Chevy Action, Rodding and Re-styling and the book Corvette: From Six to Stingray. More information can be found in this Martin Schorr interview.
The editors and staff rode a wave of changes as the title moved through various new owners. All JHS and CSK Publication titles were sold to McMullen-Argus, a division of Primedia, in 1997. Ten years later, Primedia sold its Enthusiast Media division including former CSK titles to Source Interlink Media for $1.2 billion. In turn, Source Interlink rebranded to TEN: The Enthusiast Network in 2014. And, The Enthusiast Network was restructured into the Motor Trend Group with numerous titles ending in 2019 including Vette.
The table of contents, if available, can be seen by clicking on the icon.
The publisher provided net paid circulation data to both Gale Research and Oxbridge Communication's
The Standard Periodical Directory from 1982
through 2005 (the most recent date for which we have data). Annual print issues ranged from 80,000 to 120,000 in this timeframe.
The magazine was published in print through February, 2020. All images are complete.
An internet presence was created and links referenced on the front covers starting in November, 1999. The site
www.vetteweb.com is now defunct and redirects to