Corvette News was a high quality publication produced by General Motors (GM) starting in 1957. The title covered Corvette racing, news about Corvette club events, features about Corvette owners, and news about each new Corvette produced. It also had technical and historical feature articles as it evolved. Joe Pike, the second editor, indicated the publication's intent was to "create a magazine of broad general interest, focusing on the activities in which Corvette owners are engaged, both as individuals and as members of Corvette clubs".

The publication was conceived by Fred Warner, the first editor, and by Wally Overhart of Campbell-Ewald, Chevrolet's advertising agency. It was initially printed quarterly. When someone purchased a new Corvette, they got a free, three year subscription if they mailed in a postcard included in the owner's manual. After the free period ended, subscriptions could be purchased. About 15,000 Corvette owners received the publication in 1960, and by 1972 it had grown to 130,000 owners in the U.S. and 68 other countries.

Issue numbering started in 1957 with a traditional volume and serial number on the front cover, but in 1968 each magazine showed either the month/year or quarter/year. In 1962 it went to a bi-monthly schedule, and this remained in place until the Winter, 1981 issue when it went back to a quarterly publication due to escalating print costs.

GM gave its Corvette showpiece magazine a new name starting in 1988, Corvette Quarterly. Volume and serial numbering was re-started along with the new look and new name.

The publisher did NOT provide paid circulation data to N.W. Ayer or Gale Research.

A total of 163 issues was printed from 1957 through Winter, 1987. All images are complete. The table of contents, if available, can be seen by clicking on the icon.