Mustang Illustrated or (MI) magazine was published quarterly then bi-monthly by McMullen Publishing.
As background, Tom McMullen was the founder and publisher of Street Rodder magazine.
The publishing realm for Mustang related titles was well established when Mustang Illustrated started with the first issue in 1986. Larry Dobbs really started the genre of Mustang restoration magazines with Mustang Monthly, but other titles like MI differentiated with both restoration and performance content. Under the leadership of Bob McClurg, this title ventured away from the pre-1973 focus of other titles and added current Mustang content. There was great coverage of the newer Mustang SVO and Cobra.
After Mr. McMullen's death in 1995, this and other titles were purchased by K-III (later named Primedia). Mustang Illustrated continued unchanged except for bi-monthly publishing on odd-numbered months.
In November, 2001, the title was ended when Primedia purchased the old Petersen Publishing empire owned by EMAP PLC. EMAP also owned Mustang & Fords and Mustang Monthly. Three Mustang focused titles in the combined companies was one too many, and this was the end for Mustang Illustrated.
The table of contents, if available, can be seen by clicking on the icon.
The publisher provide net paid circulation data to The Standard Periodical Directory for the years
from 1988 through 2003. For the first twelve years, annual print production was reported as 200,000. This dropped to 60,000 in the last yesrs of
A total of 105 issues was published from Spring, 1986 through November, 2001. Cover images are complete.

Incorrect number on cover